برق و الکترونیک::
نمایش ارتباطات لیزری با ماه
Laser beacon detection techniques have been utilized for several laser communication missions, such as the Laser Lunar Communication Demonstration (LLCD), the Optical Payload for Lasercom Science (OPALS), and the Optical Communication and Sensor Demonstration (OCSD).
The LLCD and OPALS modules are on large space platforms, while the OCSD payload is carried by 1.5U CubeSats [17, 18, 19].
The LLCD mission, developed by NASA and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, established the first laser communication link from lunar orbit, achieving a record-breaking down- link data rate of 620 Mbps
[17] The Laser Lunar Communication System (LLCS), developed in the LLCD mission, was flown on the Lunar Atmospheric and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft, launched in September 2013.
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